SEO Friendly Responsive Portfolio Website Design by Imam Uddin; imamuddinwp
Hey there; It’s me! Imam Uddin, imamuddinwp; A passionate Front-End Developer & SEO Expert. I’m always keen to learn new technology & innovative creations. I’m familiar with the search engine by imamuddinwp or simply Imam Uddin. To see my online presence/activity, just do google with ‘imamuddinwp’. Here I will try to cover some important topics about SEO Friendly Responsive Portfolio Website. Let me start…

What Is Portfolio?
A portfolio site is an extension of a professional freelancer’s (or company’s) résumé. The ultimate purpose/goal of a portfolio website is to serve as a way for you to land more clients, whether that means freelance work, more clients for your agency, or employment at a company.

Why do we need a portfolio website?
A portfolio website provides professional information about an individual or a company and presents a showcase of their work. Below are two portfolio website examples. To supply site visitors with information about the individual or company to showcase work.

The 9-point checklist for a client-getting portfolio website
Everything must pass the “so what?” test.
Social Proof.
Simple, brainless functionality.
Be strategic & plentiful with calls to action.
Counter objections.
Clear visual hierarchy.
Pre-frame your portfolio pieces.
Keep your copy simple.

What are the benefits of having a portfolio?
Portfolios are a great way to demonstrate the competencies you would list on a resume or talk about in an interview — they allow you to show and not just tell. During a job search, the portfolio showcases your work to potential employers. It presents evidence of your relevant skills and abilities.

Why is Responsive Design So Important?
Responsive design can help you solve a lot of problems for your website. It will make your site mobile-friendly, improve the way it looks on devices with both large and small screens, and increase the amount of time that visitors spend on your site. It can also help you improve your rankings in search engines.

Responsive web design testing checklist 2021
Test across devices & browsers. Collect data mobile and web traffic data from Google Analytics. …
Revise device/browser mix every few months. …
Test important content. …
Test for content order based on importance. …
Test for performance. …
Test the website visually. …
Test website typography

Responsive design is a way of developing web properties so that the device they are used on determines the way that the site will be displayed. It’s normally done using the principle “mobile-first” — i.e. the experience is defined on mobile platforms such as smartphones and tablets and then scaled up to larger screens.
What is an SEO audit?
An SEO audit is a process of analyzing how well your web presence relates to best practices — it is the first step to creating an implementation plan that will have measurable results. … The SEO audit will reveal Technical SEO issues. Website structure issues. On-page SEO issues.

SEO Audit Checklist to Boost Your Rankings in 2021
Determine how SEO fits into your overall marketing strategy.
Crawl your website.
Find indexing errors & technical problems.
Remove low-quality content.
Using Robots. txt and Robots Meta Tags to resolve technical issues.
Identify speed & mobile page issues.
Find structured data errors.
Test your meta descriptions

Why SEO audit is important?
In simplest terms, an SEO audit is important for identifying the strengths, weaknesses, and potentials of your website for long-term success. … SEO Technical Audit: This SEO audit will help you identify the technical problems with your website that are restricting search engines to crawl through your site or understand the content.

To position your website, you should first of all take care of:
appropriate optimization of the HTML code
optimization and creation of content in accordance with SEO
creating a well-functioning mobile version of the website
creating a clear and understandable structure of the website
obtaining links

Thanx for reading this important topic; Feel free to share it in your timeline from your all social media profile.
… Imam Uddin; imamuddinwp.